Unrivaled quality and excellence

At BE-berbère, quality is at the heart of everything we do.

Each of our rugs is meticulously crafted by talented artisans who have mastered the art of rug making for generations.

We use premium materials and unparalleled attention to detail to create pieces that add a touch of elegance and refinement to every space

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All the latest BE-Berber news

Create your dream rug with BE-berbère

Turn your vision into reality with BE-berbere. Personalize your rug, choosing patterns, colors and dimensions for a unique and personal result.

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  • Ancestral Crafts

    Each BE-Berber rug is a heritage of Berber art and tradition, hand-woven by expert artisans. A unique piece rich in history.

  • Sustainability Ethics

    BE-berbère combines superior quality and eco-responsibility. Our rugs, made of sustainable materials, support environmentally friendly production.

  • Unique Designs

    Our rugs reflect a unique blend of Moroccan tradition and modernity. Each piece brings a touch of elegant bohemian style to your space.


How can I order a BE-Berber rug?

To order one of our BE-Berber rugs, simply browse our online collection, select the model you like, and click on the "Add to cart" button.

Then follow the secure payment steps to finalize your order.

If you have any questions or specific needs, please do not hesitate to contact us, we are here to help you find the perfect rug.

What are the delivery times for BE-Berber rugs?

As each BE-Berber rug is made to order by our artisans, delivery times may vary depending on the model and the complexity of the creation.

In general, expect a production lead time of 4 to 6 weeks. Once your mat is ready, we will send you a tracking number so you can track your delivery.

We do our best to provide you with quality rugs as quickly as possible.

Do you offer custom rugs?

Yes, we offer a bespoke rug service to meet your specific size, color and design requirements.

Contact us to discuss your custom project, and our experienced artisans will work with you to create the rug of your dreams, perfectly suited to your space.

How can I maintain my BE-Berber rug?

To preserve the beauty of your BE-Berber rug, we recommend vacuuming it regularly to remove dust and particles. If there are stains, clean them gently with a clean, damp cloth, avoiding harsh chemicals. Also avoid placing your rug in direct sunlight to avoid fading. More specific care tips are provided with each rug.